Two eggs, two coffee-cups brown sugar, two cups flour, two tablespoons water, one-half teaspoon baking powder, two cups hickory nut meats.
Two eggs, two coffee-cups brown sugar, two cups flour, two tablespoons water, one-half teaspoon baking powder, two cups hickory nut meats.
One cup butter, one pint sugar, three eggs, three tablespoons water, two pints flour, two teaspoons baking powder, nutmeg to taste.
To one pound of flour take one teaspoon of baking-powder, four eggs, one-quarter pound of poppy seeds, three tablespoons of oil, two pounds of sugar and a little salt; knead not too stiff and put on tins and bake in hot oven till a nice brown. (Do not let burn.)
Put in a mixing bowl one generous cup of butter which has stood in a warm place until quite soft; add two cups of New Orleans molasses; whip these ingredients to a foam; then add two teaspoons of powdered ginger, one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and grate in half a large nutmeg; stir these spices
1 Cupful of Sugar 1/2 Cupful of Butter 2 Tablespoonfuls of Milk 1 Egg 2 Teaspoonfuls of Cream of Tartar 1 Teaspoonful of Soda 1 Teaspoonful of Lemon Extract Flour enough to roll Beat the butter, sugar and egg together, add the milk, stir the cream of tartar and soda into the flour dry. Stir
(Sufficient for 4 Dozen Snaps) • 1 c. molasses • 1/3 c. lard or other shortening • 1/4 c. butter • 3-1/4 c. flour • 1/2 tsp. soda • 1 Tb. ginger • 1 tsp. salt Heat the molasses to boiling and pour over the shortening. Sift the dry ingredients together and add these. Cool
Beat stiff the whites of three eggs, add one-half pound of sugar, and one-half pound of finely cut figs, one-half pound of either blanched almonds cut into long slices, or cut up walnuts. Heat a large pan, pass ironing-wax over surface, lay in waxed paper, and drop spoonfuls of mixture on paper, same distance apart.
Beat whites of three eggs to a snow, add three-fourths cup of powdered sugar, one cup of ground sweet chocolate, one cup of walnuts chopped, three tablespoons of flour. Drop by teaspoonful on greased baking-tin. Bake in slow oven.
Take an equal quantity of flour, sugar and butter, and mix it well by rubbing with the hollow of the hands until small grains are formed. Then add one cup of poppy seed, two eggs, and enough Rhine wine to hold the dough together. Roll out the dough on a well-floured board, about half a
Blanch and cut in halves three-fourths pound of shelled almonds, and slice one-half pound of citron; mix well together and roll in a little flour; add to them three-fourths pound of sugar, then six eggs well beaten, and last the rest of the flour (three-fourths pound). Butter shallow pans, and put in the mixture about