1 egg
1 cupful sugar
1/2 cupful Crisco
1/2 cupful milk or cream
1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
1 teaspoonful baking soda
2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
3-1/2 cupfuls flour
1/2 teaspoonful salt
For Filling
1 cupful chopped raisins
1 tablespoonful flour
1/2 cupful sugar
1/2 cupful water
1/2 cupful chopped walnut meats
For cookies.
Cream Crisco and sugar, add salt, egg well beaten, milk, vanilla, and flour sifted with baking powder and soda.
Mix and turn out on figured baking board.
Dough should be soft.
Roll very thin and cut out with cooky cutter.
Spread one-half of cookies with filling then place remaining cookies on top and press edges together.
Place on Criscoed tins and bake in moderately hot oven fifteen minutes.
For filling.
Mix sugar and flour in saucepan, add raisins, nuts, and water, stir and cook until thick.
Cool before using.